Although the state of emergency that was declared by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on April 7, 2020 does not include Nagano Prefecture, calls around the world echo the plea to "stay at home" to flatten the infection curve of the Novel coronavirus. To that end, let's do our best to stay at home when we can, and limit our excursions to necessary outings only.
As the world shifts inward to spend more time at home, the residents of Nagano want to brighten up your space by bringing their beautiful corners of the world to your very own home! They are sharing photos of blooming sakura trees, memories of past events, and videos of gorgeous Nagano landscapes to bring joy to everyone under the tag
(o-uchi de nagano), meaning "Nagano at home."
Search for this tag on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to bring more of Nagano into your home!
長野県は安倍首相が令和2年4月7日に宣言した緊急事態に含まれなくても、世界中の皆さまが「stay at home」というメッセージを広げ、新型コロナウイルスの拡大を防ぐためにおうちでいることというアピールが響いています。そのためできるだけ家にいて、不要不急の外出を控えましょう。