NHK Drama Sanadamaru NHKドラマ「真田丸」
Sanadamaru follows the story of Sanada Yukimura (originally Sanada Nobushige), head of the Sanada Clan at the start of the turbulent Sengoku Warring States Period. Yukimura is well known for his role as general during the Siege of Osaka.
Residing in what is now the present day Matsushiro area of Nagano City, the Sanada Clan, then a middle class family, played a significant role in the history of Shinano Province. This drama follows the story of the family as they fight to survive during the period of chaos.
It airs every Sunday at 8PM on the NHK channel on regular cable and 6PM on the BS Premium NHK channel. You can catch reruns of the previous week's episode on the following Saturday.