Let's Visit Nakajyo! 中条へ行こう!
Tucked away in the mountains is the serene Nakajyo. There, you'll find one of Nagano Prefecture's natural monuments, a cedar tree that's estimated to be around 2,000 years old, and temples and shrines full of history.
Locally grown produce allows visitors to indulge in fresh, hearty, and delicious cooking, such as the meals served at Mura-no-eki Tsukushi http://www.naganojoho.jp/food/02/002500.php. You can also try large Oyaki in a Japanese traditional style house, the Yakimochiya http://yakimochiya.jp/.
The music hall there boasts a Bosendorfer Grand Piano and a large Japanese drum. 中条にある音楽堂はベーゼンドルファー グランドピアノと大きい太鼓が自慢です。http://yakimochiya.jp/ongakudo/.
Late April/May offers you a picturesque view of the Northern Alps still covered in snow.4月下旬・5月に雪が被っている北アルプスの景勝地が見えます。
Even if you're just passing through, be sure to take a rest and check out the local goods at Nagano-shi Michi-no-eki Nakajyo http://nakajyo-actio.jp/. その辺に通っているだけでも、是非長野市道の駅中条に寄って休みを取りながら地元のグッズをご覧ください。